What utter nonsense! What you did Bill was to lift a piece of text word for word from the paper by Kashani et al. for which I posted the abstract. I didn’t post the entire paper for copyright reasons. That’s what abstracts are for… to summarise the conclusions. You selected a piece of text out of context it in a partisan manner and presented it as your own counter-argument, which is disgraceful. If you call yourself a scientist you should be deeply ashamed. Kashani et al. included that text as a frank admission of the possible flaws in genetic evidence in general. It doesn't detract from the evidence they present. Do you think they would present such a firm conclusion in a paper that also contains a dismissal of that same conclusion? What colour is the sky on your planet? What you missed is that the text was included in the interests of fairness and balance but also as a reassurance that the authors recognised any possible limitations and had allowed for this in their rigorous anaylysis. That is, they were confident that they hadn’t fallen into a possible hole. You selectively omitted the positive elements from the follow-on text and the main body of evidence and also very clearly missed the conclusion from the data (even allowing for any possible shortcomings). The words used were: “… definitively dismisses the controversial Solutrean hypothesis…” By drawing attention to the wider context, you have unwittingly reinforced the arguments that rubbish Stanford’s theory. Not the other way round. So, well done. We’ll make a scientist of you yet. Well… probably not, eh?