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A few from the Calf Creek site

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  • A few from the Calf Creek site

    A few old pictures of the Calf Creek artifacts from the sitI'am getting rid of these pictures after the post,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    And taking new group photo of the Site Calf Creek and Cossatot..........
    I have no big complete Calf Creek with ears on them
    But the shear number of artifacts found there says a gold mine of Calf Creek artifacts are still under ground there!!
    This is just part of the collection-with close-up of some

  • #2
    great pics jeff thanks for sharing them!


    • #3
      A land site Calf Creek camp gives out the reworked fragments,flake tools,scrapers that are on par with Paleo tools
      The Group photo shows the the bottom right Calf Creek point
      and bottom left
      Calf Creek Biface Scraper I find a huge number of them with all those broken points..
      The Scraper is Keokuk chert
      The point heat-treated glossy Burlington
      I think there was two bands at two different periods of the Culture at that site
      Cossatot River are found there also.....
      I have a *good* 100 piece collection  from that site
      It is the most common found artifact at the site.......


      • #4
        the shear numbers alone make it a rich site dispite that all are broken the scrapers are nice as well ,,seems to me you should find grind stones drills and other such tools there as well keep looking hope you find that alltogther point that seems to alude you


        • #5
          Nice pics!!!


          • #6
            Thanks Tenn
            and Lisa
            Here is a photo I'am going to keep....... :cheer:
            Calf Creek
            Beaked Scraper
            It is a Biface reduction flake tool......heat-treated flake
            most ALL Beaked Scrapers are Paleo.............



            • #7
              A few more-some have already been shown.......
              I'am going to take new pictures of the whole collection
              The blue color Calf Creek,and the white one next to it is what are my perfect most 2 points
              As you see the Scrapers are textbook to other sites
              Plus my site really does have a rare type
              The Biface Scraper from a whole preform of a Calf Creek point..
              The Biface on the left has a little blade use--
              when they broke them at top or bottom,the biface was used as a Scraper---they are really nice and well made
              like the 1st Scraper at top photo which was made that way


              • #8
                The  hafted-scraper bottom right is cool
                I like my Calf Creek collection I dont have group photo as a whole because I mixed and mingle pictures with different artifact even though all came from one site
                I would say I have 100 total different piece collection from the Quarry site

