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  • #16
    Not just one Texan here there are two, me being other one.


    • #17
      Ok man heres the deal...Show us!! You hang out here a bit.We gladly take anyone with knowledge on each and everyone of our quest..You know? Like Cliff..We look up to him for guidance and if we are lucky he will offer....Dont just jump in,who are you,selling yourself....You seem nice welcome to what can you do...............?


      • #18
        Sound Fair?


        • #19
          Check out this bad boy Robert ..Friend of mine recently gathered in NM...Whats you think? We arent bad people here...We love what we do...


          • #20
            Simmer down Spanky!  I was going to stay out of this thread, but you're making it awful hard. 
               Granted, I haven't read every word you have written.  But in my defense, you sure do enjoy typing.   :laugh:
                Many of us have seen a lot of "authenticators" come and go over the year, it's got to where it has become almost comical anymore.  Every single one tout the same services and then get butt-hurt when people aren't jumping up to mail their pointy rocks to them. The promises and self-promotion is only text.  You need to gain a trust and show that you actually can provide the people with something worth paying for. 
                You insinuate that you're not in it for the money...prove that.  I find it sad that people can't share information as easily as they can charge for it.  Shoot, we're all dumb sumbucks here.  We "can't hold a candle to.." those big authenticators, maybe you can save us some money and tell us how to do it ourselves? 
                 Try to keep it as concise as possible though, I bore easily.


            • #21
              Hi Bob,
                 I really wasn't talking about you in particular, I was on a coffee-driven roll about authenticators overall. I hope you don't take it personally, as I'm certain you will do a good job. It is a subject in which I've had a lot of personal experience and obviously when you start talking about papers being an insurance policy, with some of the sorry results I have seen over many years, I had to rebutt. A poor choice of authenticators is not only no insurance policy at all, it is a death sentence for a relic or a collection, and I think that was my main point.
                  You are exactly right, there is a need for proper authentication. There are good authenticators. The three that you mentioned are excellent for their regions. A few others are very good in their areas of expertise, when they stay within that area. You should be able to create a niche within your own region of expertise.
                 There are actually already thousands of authenticators out there- those collectors finding their collection, and those that learn about their collections as they collect through buying. Those authenticators are the ones on the ground and at the shows that share their respected knowledge and experience for free.


              • #22
                Im learning for sure!


                • #23
                  I just wanted to know if you liked it man?..I didnt need it authenticated.Of course its real...However Your knowledge on this evaluation is very good..Loosen grab a beer too..


                  • #24
                    As far as a business?...go to ebay..Look how we look up to cliff..If he was gonna start authenticating...?...Hes got my business...You see Man?


                    • #25
                      I mean You said you were a teacher...Didnt you?.A teacher must win confidence in their students right?....Oh yea I dont drink.Forgot to tell ya'll.


                      • #26
                        Thanks Bob! I knew I had one friend out there!! Looks like at least four of us from the deep south on here anyway!!


                        • #27
                             You must have been thinking about the "old" enlightened thinkers, because the "new" enlightened thinkers are here and watching from "the dark". These are the collectors that haven't drunk the koolaid in thinking they need a piece of paper to make their artifacts any good. They've seen the results of unqualified fly-by-nights and even qualified self-promoters that sometimes forget their real purpose for a buck. They have seen many names come and go, mostly go, when new authenticators step from being unknown into a self-appointed position that requires trust from new customers. Trust cannot be bought or argued into, it is earned over time.
                             Your only post on this forum is this one, which asks the question "Why get papered?", then you say to "chime in" in the very first line. As this is a discussion board, for discussions, it's not at all surprising to anyone but you that the topic is being discussed by the members. Open discussion is part of critical thinking, which every member here is capable of in his own way. You are not gaining new customers by ridiculing them for discussing this important topic, which is so critical to your new business that you brought up the question here.
                            You are obviously a knowledgable person with good intentions. You don't need to be so defensive in discussions, as you said yourself you need a thicker skin. If you are going to be an authenticator, you'll need thick skin and maybe a hardshell too. It is probably the most thankless job in artifacts, with little income and a lot of mad collectors with new points in their hands. Every single authenticator whose name collectors recognize has their own followers and their own detractors. That is the nature of the service, like it or not. If you are good, some customers will get po'ed at you.
                             Your analysis of Jon's NM knife pic is the first inkling that members here have of your abilities. That type of helpful post builds trust. This only begins to answer the critical question that potential customers are all asking themselves- Why should I trust THIS unknown  authenticator over THAT well-known authenticator?


                          • #28
                            Cliff...well its pretty evident that he isnt gonna give up any of his abilities for free.He was making great headway..I mean?...He is quite intelligent as hes got to know what we were getting at..Sad I remember Mr bennett identifing a delhi point for me on here and thats what brought me here..I speak for all of us here at Arrowheads .com...Thankyou Cliff for caring bout us man!..You are well respected here..and man? just for rising authenticators?...Whos Next?


                            • #29
                              Well, good luck Bob.


                              • #30
                                I'm not going anywhere Jon, My article stands by itself! I make no further prosecution or defense of it. I find that there is no benefit in beating a dead horse. All of us are entitled to our own opinions. I never wanted to get into a shoot out I just wanted to join all the groups out there and I may have come across to strong. So, I rescind my comments except those of my original article because I feel strongly that our higher end pieces be logged, authenticated and recorded for all the reasons I mentioned. As well, I cede the floor to those to whom it belongs, the collector. I'm to opinionated therefore should remain a quiet observer. I am staying put however and will be here if needed.
                                PS - There's always a "next" batter but they'll have to wait because I'm still at the plate.

