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Native America

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  • sailorjoe
    I've seen the first two episodes of this series. The first episode was just barely OK. The 2nd episode I did not like at all. To be more specific, I disliked it for several reasons. I won't be watching it again.There were enough errors in it to make me want to throw bricks at the TV. It is unworthy of being a PBS production.

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  • Kentucky point
    I watched it, and found it entertaining.

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  • CMD
    What a wonderful production! If you missed Part 1, it can be viewed at the link until 11/21. You may need to set it to your own local PBS affiliate. It was especially gratifying to me to see Hopi myth taken seriously, as I have embraced their vision of history for much of my life now. Focusing on Chaco Canyon, visualizing the migration of the clans through animation, grounding this continent in that broader history that so few really appreciate. Bravo. I look forward to future episodes.

    Season 2 of Native America is a groundbreaking portrait of contemporary Indian Country. Building on the success of the first season, this four-part Native…

    About an hour after the show concluded, I remembered something from many years ago, and struggled to put word to those memories:

    My Hopi Dream

    I had a dream of walking in a long column of people, along the edge of canyons. For ages and ages. Migrations, moving from home to home, living our imperative, leading to a final home, land claimed for our creator. For long ages we walked, the generations walked.

    I read the Book of the Hopi. It was the summer and fall of 1969. I learned a different history of this place. I was a student of Western civilization, and this was not what I had been taught. But it was truer then what I had been taught. It was the story of mankind, it was the memory of our time on Earth, and walking through the desert sky.

    I knew the USA to be a transitory story, the younger brothers tale. Fast cars and asphalt, electric wires through the sky, presidents and tv screens, buying things and things and more things, the Jones and Dow Jones, and heros made of money.

    But I remembered that other time and place, stone homes in a desert canyon's night. And I knew it to be truer, men living as they should. I had walked those red rock places, heard the Pleiades singing in our night eyes, long columns walking from home to home, living that imperative, remembering a different history, trying to keep the balance, our lives a part of myth. Before younger brother arrived crazy and forgetting.

    I visited those stone homes in the canyon walls and mesa tops. I remembered the dream as the memory of my friends and I. Hopi on our journey home.

    The generations past, that other world. I was visiting only, in this place called USA.

    Passing through this crazieness, protective of my earlier homes, time capsules in the red rock. In that bigger time, that longer story.

    The Hopi and the Kogi guard those memories now, while the younger brother crazies through his time. Presidents and tv screens, red rock homes sleeping beneath the Pleiades.

    A fleeting thing, this USA.

    Long columns of people on the canyon rim, going home in that other place. That bigger time, that longer story, this ever proper myth.

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  • 2ndoldman
    commented on 's reply
    Deb, your inbox is full.

  • Havenhunter
    I am so looking forward to this in the fall. I have put off doing an ancestor DNA test for fear I'd find not one drop of NA blood in my veins! Lol
    i would be so disappointed.

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  • Tam
    I can’t wait till this comes out .
    Charlie I need another 100 years of youth to see and do just 1/2 the things I have interests in .
    I am pretty sure I will find a bucket list on this show .

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  • Ron Kelley
    Thanks Charlie, This fall I will be watching for "Native America" on PBS.

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  • 2ndoldman
    I thoroughly enjoyed that Charlie.

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  • CMD
    started a topic Native America

    Native America
